From bed room painting to a whole home repaint, creating a beautiful interior includes applying the paint but the process stretches far beyond this. It means choosing the right paint, properly prepping a surface by repairing cracks or holes in the drywall. It also means choosing a layout and decorating the rooms in an efficient and an aesthetically pleasing manner.
It is possible to give that tired kitchen new life without breaking the bank.
Our painters can paint the walls and cabinets, and change the hardware to freshen the look. For a more complete makeover, you can upgrade your cabinets and appliances within the existing layout, saving the expense and hassle of moving plumbing and electrical lines. A home renovation project will more than pay for itself at resale time. If changing tastes or wear and tear has left your kitchen in need of a facelift, we can help.
It has been proven that a well-lit, nicely decorated workspace encourages productivity.
Whether your office employs one or many, King Coatings can help you turn a tired office space into a beacon of efficiency. We will consult with you to help you find the best colours and layout, then complete the job around your schedule to ensure that we don’t interrupt your valuable working hours. Our qualified Journeymen Painters can complete your office painting while your business is closed but if this is not possible, we will complete the work promptly and professionally.